18.8 C
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Event industry stages protest, calls on government for financial support

The representatives of companies from event industry have gathered on Monday in front of government’s building to mark one-year since standstill due to introduction of ban on holding public events to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

They gathered in front of the government’s building to express their revolt over the situation in which they find themselves. They sent a message that without the support of the state, they will not be able to survive.

The numbers of COVID patients, as they pointed out, are increasing, which means additional uncertainty whether they will start working again at all soon.

As Maja Babic, president of the Event Industry Association, which organized the protest, told MIA, the companies in this industry are asking for non-refundable assistance, a grant, as the owners of the night clubs were given.

Estimates are that the revenue losses in the event industry are more than 60 percent, which according to Babic, in the foreseeable future will mean closing their businesses.

In January, representatives of the Association spoke with Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi. They offered a solution for their industry, but, although they received a promise that it would be taken into account and considered, the Government did not listen to their demands at all and adopted, as Babic emphasized, their own, incomprehensible measures.

As a sector, we are not recognized and understood at all, and without help and support it is not possible to survive after a whole year of standstill. In the past few days, the number of COVID patients has increased, which means that this industry will not be able to start working for a long time. As responsible citizens and companies, we consider it inappropriate to request public events in such a situation. We do not make secret events, we do not violate the laws and regulations and we do not create problems for the market inspection. Therefore, we believe that we have no other choice but the Government to find a way to help this sector, said the president of the Association.

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