Subsidies in the form of vouchers for households for electricity is one of the options being considered to ensure that the money received by the vulnerable categories will be spent on settling the bills for electricity or heat, says the chairman of the Energy Regulatory Commission and water services, Marko Bislimoski.
The second possibility, as Bislimovski said during his visit to Studio 10 on Television 24, is that the money for subsidies be paid directly to the supplier who will reduce the final bill that will have to be paid by the vulnerable categories of households.
- Expanding the scope of vulnerable categories that will receive subsidies to settle electricity bills is a priority of the ERC. Targets are households that have lower total revenues than the monthly consumer basket. It is currently being analyzed to make a fair model which implies that those with lower incomes will receive a larger subsidy from the state. Households that are within the minimum consumer basket will receive the largest subsidy. As those revenues increase to a certain level, the amount will decrease and the measure will apply only to vulnerable categories, said Bislimovski.